We're Still Here For You

Since we closed our shops and gallery in March, our staff has adapted to working from home, and we wanted to share what we’ve been up to since then.


Patient Art Kits

To help patients get their minds off of their illness, and the constant news of COVID-19, we've been creating kits filled with different art supplies such as clay and crafts. The kits are then delivered to the units to be distributed. Our last batch saw two of our staff members create a little over 100 kits. 

Connecting With You

We want to stay connected to you, and have been sharing local art initiatives, favourite pieces in our art collection, throwbacks to past exhibits, and what some of our Staff Artists are up too. We post daily, so be sure to follow us on Facebookand Instagram.

McMullenGallery on Facebook
McMullenGallery on Instagram


If you'd like to help fund some of the initiatives we're working on (now and in the future), consider donating to us via our CanadaHelps.org profile. You can select which program you'd like to donate too, and in return you will receive a tax receipt immediately through Canada Helps. 

Donate now

Deadline Extended

If you haven't submitted to our call for submissions for McMullen Gallery and the UAH Art Collection, you still have time. The deadline has been extended to June 1st, 11:59pm. Be sure to visit friendsofUAH.org for submission details.

McMullen Gallery call for submissions
UAH Art Collection call for submissions


This week was quite special–we celebrated (from home) National Volunteer Week. Our programs are mostly run by volunteers, and we were able to feature the marvellous work of some of our volunteers from our Artists on the Wards program. Each one is from a different discipline, demonstrating some of the fascinating things they're able to create and share with the hospital community. Our volunteer programs are currently closed due to the pandemic, but be sure to consider volunteering once we're able to recruit new volunteers. 


During the pandemic, we're excited to connect with you all more through our social media channels. We'd love to hear from you and share artwork you've created or the studio space you're working in. Be sure to email heather.skinner2@ahs.ca with your preferred name, artist bio and details about the artwork you've created or the studio space you take pride in. We may feature you on our social media. We look forward to hear from you!